10 Best Useless Websites on the Internet

There are many useful websites on the internet, but quite a few are useless ones. In this blog post, we will discuss a few of the best (and worst) useless websites on the internet. These pointless websites exist only for entertainment purposes. If you’re looking for a way to kill some time for fun, then these websites are perfect for you!

Top ten best useless websites

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Cat Bounce

Cat Bounce
Cat Bounce

Cat Bounce is, without a doubt, the most useless website on this list. On the page, cats just bounce around. But hold on, there’s more! A downpour of cats descends from the top of the screen when you press the “make it rain” button.  

It is the kind of pointless website you spend five minutes on and then can’t quite explain why it’s so compelling to your friends. Maybe it’s the simple joy of watching cats bounce around on a screen. Or perhaps it’s the strangely hypnotic quality of the endlessly repeating loop. Either way, Cat Bounce is a perfect example of the weird and wonderful world of internet culture. 

Long Doge Challenge 

Long Doge Challenge 
Long Doge Challenge 

Long Doge Challenge is one of the pointless websites that are both utterly pointless and completely amazing. The premise is simple: you scroll or flick your finger to collect wows. That’s it. And yet, for some reason, it’s incredibly addicting.

So far, I’ve collected 25 wows, and my Doge is “wow wow long.” I have no idea what that means, but it’s strangely satisfying nonetheless. This website is a perfect example of the useless web at its finest. It’s completely pointless, yet I can’t help but love it. Thank you, Long Doge Challenge, for bringing a little bit of joy into my life.

Bored Button 

Bored Button 
Bored Button 

While the Bored Button useless website may transport you to a realm of endless internet games, columns, memes, quizzes, and more, it could be argued that this website isn’t completely pointless. In fact, this pointless website may be just what you need to cure your boredom!  

With so many options at your fingertips, you’re bound to find something that interests you. Not to mention the never-ending supply of online games, quizzes, and articles to keep you entertained for hours.



The internet’s fidget spinner is the Ffffidget website. What a fantastical useless website! It spins, stops spinning, and so on when you click it. So don’t be discouraged if the virtual version doesn’t fully meet your expectations.

If you’re looking for a way to procrastinate more effectively or just relieve some boredom, head on to ffffidget.com. And if you get bored, you can always click the Bored Button. But beware, once you start spinning, it’s hard to stop!

Something Weird or Confusing

Something Weird or Confusing
Something Weird or Confusing

Something Weird or Confusing is another useless website for anyone who’s looking to waste some time browsing the internet. As the name suggests, the website is a collection of weird and confusing items that are available for purchase. 

Whether you’re looking for an eccentric gift or just want to get lost in the depths of the bizarre, Something Weird or Confusing has something for everyone. So next time you find yourself with some spare time, be sure to check out Something Weird or Confusing. You won’t be disappointed. 



Without meme culture, the internet would be a much duller place. The Beesbeesbees is a shining example of the absurd content that makes up this web corner. It’s a pointless website, yet it serves as a testament to meme culture’s miracles. It is a proud subsection of the ludicrous stuff that has become synonymous with Internet meme culture. So, the next time you’re feeling depressed about the status of the internet, remember that the beesbeesbees are always present.

Patience Is a Virtue

Patience Is a Virtue
Patience Is a Virtue

Patience Is a Virtue is a website that is entirely dedicated to the concept of patience. There is no content on the site, only a button that reads “Please be patient.” When clicked, the button disappears and reappears after a few seconds. That’s it! 

While the site may not be beneficial, it’s definitely good for a giggle. So, if you require a laugh or are looking for something to share on social media, This website is definitely worth checking out.

Paper Toilet

Paper Toilet
Paper Toilet

Paper Toilet is at the top of our list of the Internet’s most useless websites. Paper Toilet is a single web page depicting a toilet paper roll on top of a black fold, not to be mistaken with toilet paper. 

We’re not sure what the point of this website is, but we’re pretty sure it’s not going to revolutionize the way we use the internet. So, if you’re looking for a way to waste a few minutes of your time, Paper Toilet is the right website for you

Fish Feeder 

Fish Feeder 
Fish Feeder 

Fish Feeder is an early internet love child and a brilliantly stupid way to waste time online. It’s an odd website, but one that’s cool in concept and laudable in its nostalgic 2000s look. On the other hand, The fish Feeder could be considered worthless because it just serves as a source of entertainment. 

That being said, it’s a fun way to procrastinate and take a break from the seriousness of the internet. It’s also a great example of how a creative tech guy was able to take something so simple and make it into something entertaining. If you’re looking for a way to kill some time, Fish Feeder is the perfect website for you



HackerTyper is one of those websites that you can’t quite place your finger on why it exists. Perhaps it was created to allow people to live out their 90s hacker film fantasies, such as Hackers or Weird Science, in real life. It’s a fun interactive web page and a love letter to code from someone.

It’s also a neat way to learn to code! The best part is that it’s completely free and doesn’t require any downloads. So what are you waiting for? Start typing away and become the next big thing in the world of hacking! 

Final Words 

Useless websites are a dime a dozen on the internet. But there are a select few that stand out from the rest. These pointless websites serve no purpose yet somehow manage to remain popular and attract millions of visitors each month. While they may be useless websites, they’re also strangely addictive and amusing. So if you’re in need of a time-waster or just looking for a good laugh, these are some of the most pointless websites on the internet.

Asif Reza
Asif Reza
Articles: 215